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 European Court of Human Rights 

a) Sexual Orientation

  M.I. v Switzerland (56390/21) judgment | 12.11.2024 (deportation - concealment of sexual orientation no reasonable request - persecution by non-state actors)
 R.F. et. al. v Germany (46808/16) judgment | 12.11.2024 (refusal to recognize genetic parent of child born in same-gender partnership after egg-donation among partners)
Hanovs v Latvia (40861/22) judgment | 18.07.2024 (effective investigation into homophobic violence and proportional punishment of perpetrators)
A.K.v. Russia (49014/16) judgment | 07.05.2024 (dismissal of lesbian teacher for publicly expressing same-gender affection) (litigated by ECSOL-member Dmitri Bartenev)
Przybyszewska and Others v. Poland (11454/17) judgment | 12.12.2023 (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships)
Romanov et. al. v. Russia (58358/14 et al) judgment | 12.09.2023 (failure to prevent and investigate hate attacks on members of the LGBTI community) (litigated by ECSOL-member Dmitri Bartenev)
Lapunov v. Russia (28834/19) judgment | 12.09.2023 (torture by State agents in Chechnya because of sexual orientation)
Koilova & Babulkova v Bulgaria (40209/20) judgment | 05.09.2023 (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships)
Lenis v Greece (47833/20) decision | 31.08.202(anti-gay hate speech not protected)
Maymulakhin & Markiv v Ukraine (75135/14) judgment | 01.06.2023 (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships)
Nuti, Dallabora  et al v I (47998/20 et al) decision | 30.05.2023 (refusal to recognize non-genetic same-gender intended parent of child born via surrogacy)(litigated by ECSOL-member Alexander Schuster)
Bonzano et al v I (10810/20) decision | 30.05.2023 (refusal to recognize non-genetic same-gender intended parent of child born via surrogacy)
Modanese et al v I (59054/19) decision | 30.05.2023 (refusal to recognize non-genetic same-gender intended parent of child born via surrogacy)(litigated by ECSOL-member Alexander Schuster)
Buhuceanu v Romania (20081/19) judgment | 23.05.2023 (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Beus v Croatia (16943/17) judgment | 21.03.2023 (effective investigation into homophobic violence and proportional punishment of perpetrators)
Bortolato v Italy (35967/19) decision | 02.02.2023 (recognition of parenthood by second parent in same-gender couple) (litigated by ECSOL-member Alexander Schuster)
Macaté v Lithuania (61435/19) judgment (Grand Chamber) | 23.01.2023 (labelling a book of fairy tales as harmful to children because of LGBTI content) (litigated by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Fedotova v Russia (40792/10 et. al.) judgment (Grand Chamber) | 17.01.2023 (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships)
Valaitis v Lithuania (39375/19) judgment | 17.01.2023 (hate speech - effective remedy)
D.B.e t al v Switzerland (58817/15, 58252/15) judgment | 22.11.2022 (refusal to recognize non-genetic same-gender intended parent of child born via surrogacy) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
S.W. et al (1928/19) decision | 06.10.2022 (disclosure, in birth-certificates, of non-birth parent in same-gender couples, while not in opposite-gender couples) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
Drelon v France (56070/18) judgment | 08.09.2022 (collection and retention of personal data reflecting presumed sexual orientation without proven factual basis)
Stoyanova v Bulgaria (56070/18) judgment | 14.06.2022 (discriminatory motives based on sexual orientation no statutory aggravating factor)
Oganezova v Armenia (71367/12) judgment | 17.05.2022 (effective investigation into homophobic violence - hate-crime offences not explicit on sexual orientation & gender identity)
Callamand v France (2338/20) judgment | 07.04.2022 (contact rights for non-genetic mother of child of ex-wife)

C.E. and Others v France (29775/18 & 29693/19) judgment | 24.03.2022 (failure to recognise legal relationship between child and biological mother’s ex-partner) (litigated by ECSOL-member Caroline Mecary)

Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group and Others v Georgia (73204/13 & 74959/13), judgment | 16.12.2021 (failure to protect demonstration and to effectively investigate attacks)
S.H. v Poland (56846/15 & 56849/15) decision | 09.12.2021 (refusal to recognise couple as parents of child born via surrogacy)
X v Poland (20741/10) judgment | 16.09.2021 (refusal of custody for children)
Gachechiladze v Georgia (2591/19) judgment | 22.07.2021 (display of same-sex couple in advertising condoms)
ACCEPT v Romania (19237/16) judgment | 01.06.2021 (police failure to prevent and investigate far-right invasion of gay film screening and homophobic slurs)
Fjölnisdottir v Iceland (71552/17) judgment | 18.05.2021 (refusal to recognise couple as parents of child born via surrogacy)

 Sabalic v Croatia (50231/13) judgment | 14.01.2021 (effective investigation into homophobic violence and proportional punishment of perpetrators)

 B & C v Switzerland (889/19 et al) judgment | 17.11.2020 (deportation - concealment of sexual orientation no reasonable request )
 Honner v France (19511/16) judgment | 12.11.2020 (contact rights for non-genetic mother of child born to lesbian couple)
  Aghdgomelashvili and Japaridze v. Georgia (7224/11l) judgment | 08.10.2020 (homophobic police violence)
  Lilliendahl v Iceland (29297/18) decision | 12.05.2020 (anti-gay hate speech not protected)
 Beizaras & Levickas v Lithuania (41288/15) judgment | 14.01.2020 (refusal to prosecute authors of serious homophobic comments on Facebook) (litigated by ECSOL-members Robert Wintemute and Tomas V. Raskevicius
 Zhdanov et al v Russia (12200/08 et al) judgment | 16.07.2019 (refusal to register LGBTI-organisations)
 Alekseev et al v Russia (14988/09) judgment27.11.2018 (ban of gay pride parades)
 Bonnaud and Lecoq v. France (6190/11) decision | 01.03.2018 (delegation of parental responsibility within a female couple)
I.K. v Switzerland (21417/17) decision18.01.2018 (deportation - concealment of sexual orientation no reasonable request)
 Hallier & Others v France (46386/10) decision12.12.2017 (paternity leave for lesbian couple)
Orlandi et. al. v Italy (26431/12 26742/12 44057/12 60088/12) judgment 14.12.2017 (refusal to register same-sex marriage performed abroad)
 Ratzenböck & Seydl v Austria (28475/12) judgment | 26.10.2017 (exclusion of opposite-sex couples from registered partnership) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
Bayev v. Russia (67667/09 et al) judgment | 20.06.2017 (regional anti-"propaganda" laws) (litigated by ECSOL-member Dmitri Bartenev)
Hörmann et al v Austria (31185/13, 31176/13) decision | 30.03.2017 (segregated place of conclusion for registered partnerships vs civil marriage) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
KAOS G.L. vs. Turkey (51362/09) judgment | 22.11.2016  (seizure of LGBT-magazine for being obscene and prosecution of editor)
O.M. vs Hungary (9912/15) judgment | 05.07.2016 (asylum detention - risk to abuse on account of sexual orientation)
Taddeucci & McCall vs. Italy (51362/09) judgment | 30.06.2016  (refusal to give same-sex partner residence permit when married different sex partner would have been given one) (litigated by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute) (third party intervention by ECSOL represented by ECSOL-member Alexander Schuster)
 M.C. & A.C. vs. Romania (12060/12) judgment | 12.04.2016 (effective investigation into homophobic violence)
 Chapin & Charpentier vs. France (40183/07), judgment | 09.06.2016  (same-sex marriage) (litigated by ECSOL-member Caroline Mecary) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
 Pajic v. Croatia (68453/13), judgment | 23.02.2016  (refusal to give same-sex partner residence permit when unmarried different sex partner would have been given one)
 Oliari et. al. vs Italy (18766/11 36030/11), judgment | 21.07.2015  (lack of legal recognition of same-sex partnerships) (litigated by ECSOL-member Alexander Schuster) (third party intervention by ECSOL represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Identoba and others vs Georgia (73235/12), judgment | 12.05.2015 (failure to protect demonstration and homophobic behaviour by police)
  M.E. v Sweden, judgment | 26.06.2014 (requirement for asylum seeker to go back to Libya to apply for a residence permit on the basis of his Swedish same-sex marriage)
E.B. v Austria III (27783/09) decision | 24.06.2014 (homophobic convictions as aggravating factor in sentencing) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
F.J. & E.B. v Austria (2362/08, 26271/08) decision | 25.03.2014 (data of police investigations under prior homophobic offences) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
Vallianatos et al v Greece, judgment (Grand Chamber) | 07.11.2013 (restriction of registered partnership to opposite-sex couples) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
E.B. et al v Austria (31913/07 et. al.) judgment  | 07.11.2013 (prior homophobic convictions in criminal record) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner)
M.K.N. vs Sweden, judgment | 27.06.2013 (asylum – how to prove homosexuality?)
Boeckel & Gessner-Boeckel, decision | 07.05.2013 (automatic co-parenthood)
X et al. v Austria (19010/07) judgment (Grand Chamber) | 19.02.2013 (step-parent adoption in de-facto same-sex couple) (litigated by ECSOL-member Helmut Graupner) (third party intervention  by ECSOL represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Eweida et. al. v United Kingdom, judgment | 15.01.2013 (right to refuse to serve same-sex couples because of religious beliefs)
Küchl vs. Austria, judgment | 04.12.2012 (media disclosure of homosexual acts in catholic seminary)
Rothe vs. Austria, judgment | 04.12.2012 (media disclosure of homosexual acts in catholic seminary)
Verlagsgruppe News GmbH & Bobi vs. Austria, judgment | 04.12.2012 (media disclosure of homosexual acts in catholic seminary)
X v Turkey, judgment | 09.10.2012 (inhuman treatment and discrimination of gay prisoner)
GenderDoc v. Moldova, judgment | 15.06.2012 (ban of pride parade)
Gas & Dubois v. France, judgment | 15.03.2012 (second-parent adoption in registered partnership) (litigated by ECSOL-member Caroline Mecary) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Vejdeland v. Sweden, judgment | 09.02.2012 (hate crime legislation v. free speech)
Stasi v. France, judgment | 20.10.2011 (rape and torture of gay prisoner)
Alekseyev vs. RUS, judgment | 21.10.2010 (ban of gay pride parade) (litigated by ECSOL-member Dmitri Bartenev)
J.M. vs UK, judgment | 28.09.2010 (child support contributions and same-sex cohabitants)
Manenc vs. F, decision | 21.09.2010 (survivors pension for PACS-partner)
Santos Couto vs. Portugal | 21.09.2010 (discriminatory age of consent)
P.B. & J.S. vs. Austria, judgment | 22.07.2010 (health insurance benefits for same-sex cohabitants)
Schalk & Kopf vs. Austria, judgment | 24.06.2010 (same-sex marriage/registered partnership) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
Kozak vs. Poland, judgment | 02.03.2010 (right of surviving same-sex cohabiting partner to succeed in tenancy)
Porubova vs. Russia, judgment | 08.10.2009 (media reports about politicians’ homosexuality)
E.B. vs. France, judgment (Grand Chamber) | 22.01.2008 (adoption by one person) (litigated by ECSOL-member Caroline Mecary) (third party intervention represented by ECSOL-member Robert Wintemute)
 Robert Wintemute: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination - The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union | 06.06.2015
Helmut Graupner: Sexual Orientation – The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights Powerpoint Version | 21.11.2013

b) Gender Identity

  W.W. v Poland (31842/20), judgment | 11.07.2024 (hormone therapy in prison)
 R.K. v Hungary (54006/20), judgment | 22.06.2023 (absence of effective legal framework for change of legal gender)
O.H. & G.H. v Germany (53568/18), judgment | 04.04.2023 (record of a trans man as father on birth certificate of child to whom he had given birth)
A.H. et. al. v Germany (7246/20), judgment | 04.04.2023 (record of a trans woman as mother on birth certificate of child to whom she had not given birth)
A.D. et al v Georgia, judgment | 01.12.2022 (failure to provide quick, transparent and accessible procedures for legal gender recognition) (litigated by ECSOL-member Constantin Cojocariu
Y v Poland (74131/14) judgment | 17.02.2022 (annotation of gender reassignment in full birth certificate)
A.M. et al v Russia (47220/19) judgment | 06.07.2021 (deprivation of visitation rights on ground of parent´s gender transition process)
X & Y v Romania, judgment | 19.01.2021 (gender reassignment surgery requirement for recognition of gender identity)
Rana v Hungary, judgment | 16.07.2020 (refusal to allow change of name and sex markers for recognized transgender refugee)
Y.T. v Bulgaria, judgment | 09.07.2020 (refusal to allow a trans-person of male appearance to be registered as a male)
 X v FYROM, judgment | 17.01.2019 (absence of effective legal framework for change of legal gender) (litigated by ECSOL-members Natasha BoshkovaConstantin Cojocariu
 S.V.  v Italy, 55216/ (inability to change forename prior to completion of gender transition process)
A.P., Garcon & Nicot v France, 79885/12 et. al.A.P., Garcon & Nicot v France, 79885/12 et. al.06.04.2017 (sterilisation-requirement for recognition in other gender)
YY v Turkey, 14793/0810.03.2015 (sterilisation-requirement for gender reassignment (surgery))
Hamalainen v Finland, judgment (Grand Chamber) | 16.07.2014 (transformation of marriage into registered partnership as a precondition for recognition of new gender) (litigated by ECSOL-member Constantin Cojocariu
Halat v. Turkey, judgment | 08.11.2011 (ill-treatment of transwoman in police custody)
P.V. vs. Spain, judgment | 30.11.2010 (visitation-rights of transsexual parent)
Schlumpf vs. Switzerland, judgment | 08.01.2009 (refusal of insurance-company to pay sex-change surgery)
Helmut Graupner: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity – The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights Powerpoint Version | 17.10.2011


c) Intersex

Semenya v Switzerland (10934/21) judgment | 11.07.2023 (requirement to take hormone treatment in order to be able to take part in international

sport competitions)

Y v France (76888/17) judgment | 31.01.2023 ("neutral" or "intersex" gender markers on birth certificate)
 M v France (42821/18) judgment | 26.04.2022 (intersex genital mutilation IGM - Art 3)